June gloom. Jacarandas. Magnolias. I can't recall where spring went, but summer is in full bloom and life is settling down to a new normal.
Lee is a talker, which I attribute to Phil. But he also demands to be set down and left alone quite often to wiggle, which would be me.
Lee is a talker, which I attribute to Phil. But he also demands to be set down and left alone quite often to wiggle, which would be me.
I took the little guy over to Land Concern to surprise Phil, the other day. His co-workers played along well, pretending that I was a client waiting for him in the conference room.
In other happenings, we've torn down the fence between our house and our neighbors in preparation for a new trek fence. It went down fast. In forty-five minutes that thing was gone. The termites probably helped some though.
And our garden is pushing out all kinds of vegetables: zucchini, sweet peas, green beans, lettuce, herbs, turnips, tomatoes, cucumbers...
Did you know that eating too many cucumbers can cause digestive problems? Well, Phil and I sure know it now.