To the Moms I Know . . . Thank You

To the mom who came to MOPs without make-up on . . . thank you.

To the mom who had to leave early because her son slapped her in the face . . . thank you.

To the mom who let someone post a not-so-hot picture of herself on facebook . . . thank you.

To the mom who throws up her hands, fingers spread wide and nostrils flared, and says, "Aye! What's the matter with you?" . . . thank you.

To the mom who told me she didn't enjoy her vacation with her young children . . . thank you.

To the mom I see everyday pushing the twins in the double stroller with the first grader in tow, who can't possibly make it to school on time . . . thank you.

To the mom who cries during prayer time, the mom who tells me how worried she is, the mom who admits to using church as a babysitting service so she can get some time to herself at Starbucks . . . thank you.

You remind me that you, like me, are struggling. You are a comfort to me because you have let a sliver of desperation show, whether you meant to or not, and I am comforted because I see it and can say, "What? You're not perfect? Me either."

Thank you.

More on being honest: A Can't Do Kind of Woman


♥️ Whether or not intentional, visible slivers of desperation are what enable us to connect authentically.