I suppose this is like the opposite of New Year's resolutions, but it is what this busy mom needs right now.
- I shall fix a cold dinner once a week of things like cheese and crackers, peanut butter and apples, canned fish on toast, and carrot sticks.
- I shall prepare more hotdogs and mac and cheese and NOT get down on myself for leaving out a veggie.
- I shall let the dishes go unwashed after dinner once a week, and NOT feel guilty about the sight of them as I go to bed—unless Phil wants to do them, and then I shall not object for the sake of this goal.
- I shall allow myself two days to do all the laundry each week instead of trying to do it in one. And I shall not feel unorganized over the mess of it.
- I shall stop picking up the little pieces of paper, legos, teacups, dress-up clothes, balls, boxes, and tape until clean-up time when I shall have the children pick it all up.
- I will not stress out about keeping the plants alive, and I will blame no one when they die.
- I shall only check facebook once a day.
- I shall say "no" more often to people offering me free stuff. Just because it's free doesn't mean I have to take it.
- I shall get rid of an item every time I buy or acquire a new item.
- I shall celebrate both big and little things by eating sweets with the family: the start of spring, unexpected money coming in, MLK day, presidents day, lost teeth, open house, kids saying bible verses, Palm Sunday, Phil's company winning much sought after work, etc.
- I shall do something I want to every day.
- I shall have someone clean for me and have Wal-mart deliver my groceries, and I will NOT feel guilty about it.
- I shall not try to multitask while leaving tortillas on the burner to toast. I shall remain standing there until they are done.
- I shall stop trying to get presents for everyone at Christmas.
- I shall not deliberate for more than a minute about buying items that cost less than $5. I shall just decide and be done with it. And not feel guilty later if it was a silly purchase.
- I shall watch more shows with my husband and kids.
- I shall speak or write about the good in my life.
- I shall make dates with Phil an item on my weekly check-list.
- I shall have a check-in time with Phil each day when the kids come home from school. I will sit down, send the children out, and get caught up with Phil. This may mean stopping my dinner preparations or having a cold dinner and that is fine.
- I shall stop in the midst of tense, hurtful, or frightening situations and pray.
- I shall not consider myself pathetic if I don't keep any of these goals.