Scary People

Needy people 
Needn't frighten me
When I'm full
And I stop believing
I'm the only giver.

Powerful people
Needn't threaten me
When the Omnipotent
Lives in me, and I trust 
His power even more.

Rebellious people
Needn't worry me,
When I believe His goodness
Surpasses my pathways
To righteousness.

Glamorous people
Needn't threaten me
When gratitude abounds,
And I see any excellence
As another testimony.

Heartbroken people
Needn't depress me
When I know His purposes
Are only to draw us nigh,
And pain is His domain too.

Judgmental people
Needn't intimidate me
When I believe
The gavel already dropped
Declaring me perfect
Because of Christ's blood.


David Cox said…
Very lovely and liberating. Christ gives such freedom and wholeness. Thanks for thinking and writing. Uncle. David