When Dry Milk Will Be Enough

If all the stores were out of milk
And our last carton was empty,
Milk made from powder
Would be enough.
But we've half a gallon in the fridge,
And more if we go out;
So the dry milk is not enough.

If we had been rained out all week
And then the sun shone like today,
A romp in the yard
Would be enough;
But yesterday's weather was fine
And this is SoCal,
So the playtime out front is not enough.

If we'd slept in a hotel for a week,
Eaten out three meals a day,
Being home
Would be enough;
But we're stuck here,
With no foreseeable outings,
So this familiar house is not enough.

If my dearest friends spoke ill of me
And my husband only criticized,
The Lord's pronouncements
Would be enough
For upon that only
I'd have to stand;
But my friends and family think me alright,
So God's pronouncements are not enough.

I hear you say, "But we can enjoy powdered milk even if real milk is available. We can enjoy beautiful weather even if every day is beautiful. Surely, we can appreciate our homes even if we never travel. And most of all, can't we fully believe in what God says of us even if most people think we're pretty nice?"

 Perhaps we can do this when we stop thinking we have a right to these things, and instead, see them as unexpected gifts placed in our laps. It is the surprise that we get yet another good thing that keeps us from seeing the repetition as our human rights but instead, our delight.

Conversely, we can be so disconnected to what is really good that we whine that the good things we've been given are still not enough.


Laura Provencio said…
Beautifully worded! Thank you for sharing.