I probably don't agree with you.
I don't agree with you.
But I need you
Because we belong to one another
In Christ.
You remind me that we are walking the same road together,
Slaves of the same master,
Children of the same father,
Friends of the same king.
You remind me that I've already chosen a side,
And my side is yours
In Christ.
You remind me that my research is over,
And that I no longer must follow rules in order to save myself;
I no longer must construct an argument to justify myself;
I no longer must fight for my freedom or to protect my joy;
I no longer must go searching for good news.
We have already, so to speak, selected our candidate.
We already know whose shoulders can bear this government.
We already know that his credentials and reputation are worth trusting,
And that he alone has found the vaccine to our disease, which we all have.
We belong to one another because we are sick,
And we belong to one another because we have been healed.
You and I, we shatter each other's delusions of an ideal community
For we are equally in need of the same bread and living water
And when we don't eat, we all succumb to masking our malnourishment
Behind a facade of self-sufficiency,
Of self-loathing and self-adoration,
Of self-ignorance and self-projection.
But despite the masks, in Christ
We can know one another
As chosen and remade
Already good, already wise, already strong and loved,
Dear, precious and beautiful,
A kaleidoscope of humanity,
The glowing glory of Christ,
The reborn self in one another.
It is vivid to me now,
But when I am stuck, because I will get stuck,
Who can speak words of life to me
But you.
And when I am uncertain and discouraged,
Who will tell me again and again what I need to hear
But you.
And when I blame you or misunderstand you or judge you or resent you,
Who can show me God's grace and forgiveness,
But you?
When the Christ in my heart becomes weaker than the Christ in your heart,
Will you pull me up
As I pray I do for you now?
"The more genuine and deeper our community becomes, the more will everything else between us recede, the more clearly and purely will Jesus Christ and his work become the one and only thing that is vital between us." (Bonhoeffer, 26)
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Life Together. Translated by John W. Doberstein. New York: HarperCollins, 1954.