My Home Schooling Reminders For This Year

No one's education was totally destroyed in a year.

No activity or assignment absolutely MUST get done today!

How I teach is more important than what I teach. And loving God is more important than telling my kids to love God.

Spending money for little tricks, baby sitters, and reward-snacks is totally acceptable.

Make a plan. But then be ready to change the plan.

Even if I taught nothing, the children were learning. Teaching my children to care for their baby brother, to wipe the toilet, and pick up their things are legitimate lessons.

Experimentation seems wasteful. It probably is, but the Lord is also okay with "wasting" trees and water and day light hours on me.

I don't have to strictly follow any curriculum or advice.

I am trying to do the jobs of many people. Pick the moment's most important occupation and do that. Don't do multiple jobs at once.

Don't do it alone. Be in community. Hear other's stories. If something isn't work, talk the problem out with a level-headed adult outside the situation.

If the kids aren't obeying, stop school and figure out the whole obedience thing before proceeding.

My boss is the Lord.

I don't get a grade in Heaven for this and neither do my kids.
