Can something please be finished?
Like the painting on my house?
Or the 5 freeway?
Or the reminders to hang up wet towels after baths?
Like the painting on my house?
Or the 5 freeway?
Or the reminders to hang up wet towels after baths?
Hang up the dang towels!
Why are we still having to review this?
We've been here before, people.
And, Lord, can people just stop doing the same stupid things?
I feel like I'm on a nauseating merry-go-round.
And while you're at it, can you be done with me too?
Why do we have to keep visiting these places?
More upsetting things! More offensive people!
More circumstances not quite in line with my ideals!
More, more, more . . .
How about just completing one fruit of the Spirit in me?
That'd be nice.
And why does the style of pants have to change again?
And my computer's operating system?
And COVID regulations?
And people's boundaries?
And my children's needs?
Can something please be unchangeable
So I may rely on it for good?
Don't say anything, Lord.
I know what you're going to say.
But why do you do this to us?
Are you happy with all this incompleteness?
Do you really want this to last so long and be so troublesome?
Do you like waiting? Cause I don't.
Wouldn't you rather just satisfy us instantly?
Turn stones into bread?
Cut corners to get it done?
And show the world a great demonstration of power?
Why couldn't Adam and Eve have taken the fruit
From the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
And have been complete right then and there?
Bam! Done!
No lengthy process!
No discussions!
No waiting!
Just finished!
Can anything be finalized here?
Why do we have to wait for heaven?
Why can't something be finished now
Like you said on the cross, that it is finished?
It is finished.
You finished something.
What did you finish?
The perfect penitence?
An end to our striving?
But we're still aching here.
Everyone's trying to make something of this mess.
It's like we've been born into a construction zone.
Or born on our feet,
Like a baby giraffe running from day one.
We're all just running, running, running.
On a quest, on a journey,
Pilgrims on the way to the Celestial City.
We're passing shadows of something wonderful, which we cannot yet see.
We're walking with people half-formed in Christ's mold.
And maybe, maybe when I shout, "Be done, already!"
You're saying,
"It is being done.
I do it.
My process is being completed in time,
Which I first set in motion at the start.
All chaos being brought into order in time
In the evening and the morning of this day.
And I say this is good.
Now, run on.
Set your eyes on what I have before you.
And don't look at the unfinished to finish you,
Or withdraw until things look nicer, feel safer,
And people behave more like Christians.
Enter into the incompleteness now
For there I am
Working, constructing, building,
And there is a hammer for you too."
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he's the one who will keep you on track."
(Proverbs 3:5-6 Message)