Have you disappointed yourself?
Have you failed to do what you ought?
Have you said it wrong yet again?
Have your goals been beyond reach?
Have you ruined your chances at that life?
Have you disqualified yourself at being good?
Be at peace.
God has use for you.
Before you were too satisfied with yourself to find satisfaction in him.
Before you were too hopeful in your own abilities to hope in his.
Before you were enough unto yourself and thus needed nothing more.
Now you are empty and have space.
Now you are hopeless and searching.
Now you have been weighed and found wanting
Wanting him.
O broken people,
There is someone who wants you.
Who has a use for you,
A position, even a place of honor.
He desires to give you a new name.
You will no longer drown in failures,
But rejoice that those tears have sent you
To Him.
"'Keep your eyes on Jesus,' and you'll find that the place you thought was death is the very place where resurrection power of God is at work to bring you life." (Eugene Peterson The Message Study Bible. Pg. 1905, Hebrews 12)