Yes, some things are highly inefficient. Some systems are disorganized. Some products are cheap. Some people are annoying or not as good as they could be or have downright evil intentions.
You have said it time and time again. Now go somewhere with those complaints. Don't merely sit in your discontented impatience and point at deficiencies. Let this angst take you to the next crossroads, or have you not submitted yourself to God's direction yet? Have you not started this conversation with him?
Allow me to start it for you:
"Oh God, this is not right. It angers me. I want it right. Do you want me to fix it? Do you want it fixed at all? Am I the one to do it?"
Perhaps you are. If so, go do it. But if not, go on.
"Oh God, I am in this unorganized, inefficient, annoying, or downright wrong situation. And I don't like it. I don't want to be involved in this. Would it be best for me to pull out? Get out of this relationship? Stop attending? Draw boundaries?"
Remember that Christ's perfect life has freed you from the pressure of having to do everything perfect too. You are no longer enslaved by "ought to's" and "should's." God is already pleased with you. You are free to choose! But don't make this the end of the conversation.
"God, I wish I could control the world or just put an end to this situation, but if I did, would I then be happy?"
Let me answer this question for you: no. You wouldn't be happy. You'd find something else to criticize. Hasn't this been the pattern for you?
"If perfect things won't make me happy, what will then?"
Ask it again.
"What do I want?"
Ask it again.
"I know what I want. I want perfection. Where can I find perfection?"
Where indeed?
"If cashiers cannot be perfect and cheaply made products can't be perfect, if people can't be perfect and the government can't be perfect, who can be?"
I think you know the answer.
All this angst about imperfect things is just your empty heart aching for God. Think of it as your check engine light going on. Your tank that needs God's righteousness is empty.
"God, I know you will make everything right in the end, but I have to live here on this earth now. I have to deal with these obnoxious people right now! God, do you have anything for me now?"
God has plenty to offer. But first, look at your hands and see how full they are of your own versions of perfection. God cannot give you anything while your hands are so full. I suggest you let it go. Let go of your character development programs for others and the desire to work a perfect job and come home to a perfect house. Give up your ideals for your child's school and your government's legislature and your church's leadership. And most importantly, give up the timelines you have set for everything to be completed. Let them go and name them for what they are. Good things that have taken the place of God. Good things that have turned into idols and cannot co-exist in your heart with God.
"But aren't things supposed to be a certain way! God, don't you want that too?"
He does, but in his time. Not yours. And by God's transformation not through your griping about it . . . although, your participation is desired.
"Good! I was waiting for that part. What do we do?"
Let go of your own schedules for things and trust that God is working out everything in his timing. Then turn your eyes inwards. Hadn't you noticed that you're as imperfect as the world you criticize? God is at work in you too. Perhaps you don't have the power to improve the quality of products or to change the government or the way your relatives love you imperfectly, but you have the power to let go of your idols and hold fast to the God who is perfect.
Oh yes, and one more thing. Do stop treating God's gifts like insults. They're so much better than you make them out to be. True, they aren't perfect but that's because they aren't God.
Every time you hear yourself complaining, let it be like the check-engine light on your heart, warning you to long for God's way of doing things, not your own. Have the same conversation with him again and again, and then name the good that he has already given you!
I think you will then find life less annoying.