Not What I Had in Mind

Have you ever been looking for something specific at a garage sale? Our Grandma Seelye lives in a neighborhood that puts on a garage sale twice a year. Phil and I used to mark our calendars on those two months—one in the fall and one in the spring—so that we didn't miss it. We found all sorts of items at those garage sales: a dresser, lamps, dress-up clothes, a kid's bikes, kitchen ware, a swing, etc.. The fall garage sale was a great opportunity to get my children some cheap toys for Christmas.

I would usually make a list beforehand of the items I wanted to find, and then partway through, I would forget all about the list and buy something that stole my heart. That was how I purchased this retro step ladder stool that reminded me of my Mama Grace's kitchen where she used to cook with me as a child. 

Phil didn't go with a list, and he usually ended up buying some very unusual items: like a full body harness for an Edison lineman or a six-foot-tall locker that he spray painted red and now stores his tools inside.

I think the key to successful yard sale shopping is to have a list, but then be open to whatever you might find. The best finds are almost always things you weren't expecting to find. It would be silly not to buy something really special because it wasn't on the list.

And this is how I think it's best to pray too. Go to the Lord and tell him what you think you need. But then be open for the unexpected. The unexpected things from God are always better than what we thought we wanted.
