Wouldn’t it be interesting if God planned out all of time like a giant chiasm with Christ being at the very center, the peak between the rising and falling action, the point in which history begins to mirror the past but in a very different light? And wouldn’t it be interesting if mankind continued after Christ the same number of years that it existed before Christ? Thus, Genesis is vague in dates and times so that the end of the world would remain a mystery to even the most astute.
And wouldn’t it be interesting if these two halves of history—B.C. and A.D.—echoed each other, if God’s interaction with Israel was a micro story of how he would interact with the world after Christ . . . that the kingdoms of the earth would have a great reign like in the days of David and Solomon and the earth would see another Moses and Elijah, that it would see people put back into slavery like a reverse Exodus, and then a chosen few would be saved from a cataclysmic flood-like catastrophe. Wouldn’t it be interesting?
And while scientists and Christians alike debate the age of the earth, civilizations would resort back to doing whatever they thought was right in their own eyes until at last Christ, the perfect Adam, would return to unmake all he made at the beginning, closing the book on time itself.
I wonder.