Getting It Almost Right

If we believe Christianity is true, does that mean we have to believe all other religions are wrong?

Yes and no.

First, the major world religions actually agree on quite a lot. They all agree that caring for others is important. Sharing is good. Stabbing your friend in the back is bad. And that we all should take care of our things.

But world religions are different in one large area. And that one area makes all the difference.

Let's say God gave us the pictured log division problem and said, "In order to find joy, peace, love and hope, you've got to solve this problem correctly." Buddhism solved the problem and they got it all correct until the very end. They were off by 1/100th. Bummer. Did they get it right? Well, they were close. Unfortunately God doesn't give partial credit for showing our work. He wants us to get the right answer or else none of the work counts. 

Why would God be so picky? Because that 1/100th matters.

Let's say I was Elon Musk firing rockets into space and programming them to return. If my calculations are off by 1/100th, the rocket wouldn't make it back to earth. It's going to crash into the ocean and everyone on board is going to die. 

Likewise, no one can make it to Heaven if they're not 100% correct in their calculations. They can't have even a trace of rebellion in his or her heart or else God's presence will obliterate them. A person must be perfect to live with God in eternity and to have God abiding in their heart here on earth, which by the way is the way to have peace, joy, hope, and love right now.

A person's life has to be 100% correct.

Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, Atheism, Islam, and Judaism all have their own beliefs on how to live here on earth well and—Atheism excluded—how to have eternal happiness. Some religions get the answer less wrong than others. But none of them says, "You can't do it; only God can and has done it already for you," save Christianity. Christianity is the only religion that says if you trust God to do the work instead of yourself, you can know for certain that his work is enough for you.

To return to the Math analogy, if we had to complete a packet of complex Math problems in order to enter Heaven, we wouldn't trust ourselves to do it (not unless you're a Math wiz). I'd trust someone who had a doctorate in Mathematics, some super genius who's never gotten a problem wrong. 

Jesus is the super genius of morality. We have to trust him to do the complex perfect life for us. And if we do, we can have assurance that Heaven is ours.

Now any Buddhists and Mormons and Atheists are capable of realizing that they can't be perfect on their own and call out to God for his help in that. And I do think God sees their trust in him, even if they have never heard of Christianity or Jesus. I think God sees their child-like calling out to him and request for his help, and so long as they know they can't and God can, God accepts that as the right answer. They would, at this point be believing Christianity without knowing it. But this is conjecture. I am only guessing.
