Just Following Orders

Remember how we had to wear masks to go into stores? In California every child over 2 had to wear a mask until just a week or so ago. When entering the store, my children could argue all they wanted with me about it (although they didn't), but I didn't make up the rules and I couldn't change them. Actually, it was a relief that I could point to the sign and say, "But we have to."

Defiance-of-dumb-rules aside, isn't this also what we can do as we parent? I didn't make up the rules that all household members need to contribute in order to eat. I didn't make up the idea that slapping deserves a consequence. I didn't decide that disrespectful people disturb the peace of a home. These are all God's ways. Thus, when I tell my kids what to do and they don't like it, I don't have to be the bad guy. This is the way the Lord has made the world, and if I were to let them get away with slapping or quantities of disrespect or laziness, I would be breaking God's rules myself.

Yes, every parent must come up with his or her own rules to make the house run smoothly: no snacking after 4pm, don't put any toys on top of the buffet, we don't use the couch cushions as stepping stones, if you police your siblings, you have to write sentences, etc. But even these are reflections of God: we respect other's time and things and space. 

I find all of this such a relief because my children are getting quite good at arguing with me about why they shouldn't have to obey my rules. If they're not arguing, they might pitch a fit because sometimes that works. 

When I remember that I am called to walk in God's ways, to follow his laws and that this will actually make me and my children the most satisfied, then suddenly, I'm not the bad guy to my children. I'm just following orders. Phew. 
