I don't know what you've heard about women, the ways that people try to define you, typify you, explain you, exalt you, venerate you, control or dissimilate from you.
I don't know what molds have been drawn up around you, hitting you in the shins, battering you in the heart, mocking you in the mind, never fully containing you, never fully letting you breath Spirit breathe, but trying ever so hard to keep you from growing.
I don't know what sort of mother or grandmother was modeled for you, imprinting onto your mind what it means to be feminine, to be a mother, to be a woman. I don't know what words echo in your mind of what's masculine and thus off limits to you. I don't know what roles you've been told you may or may not play.
But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that those walls no longer have power over you, Daughter of God, for when you follow in Christ's footsteps, all the molds break and stereotypes become obsolete. Now, no one can say what you will or will not become, what you can or cannot do but God himself.
You are a fellow heir with Christ, given that same work that God gave Christ the authority to do. Yes, even given the promise to do greater things, to tread on serpents, to have authority over the spirits, and to rule as God originally intended us to rule.
You are no longer a slave to fear or hiding your God-given strengths. All the walls that have confined you have been demolished in the wake of following Christ. For unlike conforming to Rock Stars and Sports Athletes, which generates duplicates and look a-likes, conformity to Christ creates more and more unique humans, able to do more and more, shining brightly with more and more of Christ's glory.
A women pilot receiving special permission to fly into a man-dominated Muslim Sudan. The Chinese authorities calling upon a single woman to quell a Chinese prison riot. A Japanese prison camp general asking the advice of one of his woman inmates in how to best solve his problem. Crowds of Chinese men gather to hear about Christ from a Southern Baptist belle. A woman doctor in India allowed to go where no men were allowed. The courage of a woman standing up against rioters to protect her orphan children. The people of a nation coming to a woman who serves as their judge and prophetess. The finances of women supporting Jesus in his ministry.
All the stereotypes broken in this upside-down kingdom where the master washes his servant's feet, and the lowliest are brought up as co-heirs with Christ.
More on Pigeon Holing: Christianity and the Enneagram, The Gospel for Every Enneagram Number, Evolving Love, To the Intellectual, You Don't Have To Do That Anymore