I'm starting to think Halloween was invented for parents rather than children. Can anyone get enough of their cute kids in costumes? I can't stand it! He's a construction worker in case you couldn't tell.
Rose blended in with an old onsie that used to be Phil's when he was a baby.
Highlights of the evening were: building the bonfire with the Daddy man.
Eating candy for perhaps not the first time, but definitely a rare occasion in this household.And welcoming Lois Thorpe's troupe of Korean foreign exchange students who enjoyed trick or treating, smores, and hot apple cider for the first time. They were dressed in the most interesting attire (a nurse, cop, maid, Santa, and bunny), all of which looked like they'd come from A Touch of Romance.
Best costumes of the night were a pyramid, a cook, and three confident teen boys dressed up like bananas. Phil did the old toss-a-stick-into-the-fire-in-order-to-get-candy-routine, which was a bit hit for both the young and too-old-to-be-tick-or-treating. The rain came right as we started packing up, and we're enjoying the puffy clouds today and weather to bake by.