I asked Lee what he thought the mission of our family was and he replied. "This is going to take a lot of thinking time to answer."
Lee's way of making friends at the beach is to run up to a kid, any kid, and say, "You get that bucket and start pouring water into that pool that we're making over there."
"Mommy, can I get the clippers and shape our orange tree into a shape?" So glad you asked Lee.
Rose asked me if Satan has a wife because Rose was telling Mrs. Satan to stop telling her lies.
The children were listening to the bible and drama tapes, and at the part where Joseph is bound, and fetters are put on his feet, Rose asked, "Are the feathers on his feet to tickle him?"
I was testing out personality questions on the kids, questions like, "If you walked into a room full of people would you first talk to them or stand back and watch them?" Lee caught on fairly quickly and asked, "Mommy, if you had directions would you want them in Spanish or Sign Language?"
We've been watching quite a bit of the British Baking Show lately. After taking the children to a Spanish bakery, I asked them how they'd judge their pan dulce's. Lee replied, "First I cut it two times in half and poke at it."
Rose showed me a picture she drew of a lake, some princesses, and two geese. I pointed at the water fowl and asked, "Oh, are those geese, Rose?" "No," she replied. "They're gooses."
Rose's reflections about the deck boards: "These boards are not having a good life. All they do is sit here. We are having a good life. We get to play."
When kissing Lee goodnight, he gave me a short report of his day and then threw off his covers and looked at me with concern. "Mommy, I have a question." He pulled his foot up to his face and curled his toes. "Why do I have wrinkles on the bottom of my foot when I do this?"
Benny doesn't say funny things yet, but he looks awfully cute in our Christmas trunk. Funny Bits and More Funny Bits |