To change a nation
Change this church
Change that person;
But I have no stomach
To ask him to change me,
Am I not a rather
Blunted weapon?
If I would ask God
To heal my friend
Provide for their needs
And fill them with peace;
But I never admit
My needs or inner illnesses,
Have I any acquaintance
With God's power at all?
And if I would pray
For the salvation of souls
For closed doors to be opened
And justice for the oppressed;
But never ask God
For my daily bread,
Have I any understanding
Of life's substance at all?
If my conversations with God
Never discuss my mind's wanderings
Never name the emotions within
Never voice my rebellion
Never kick or scream
Never pierce the heart
Never draw tears of repentance
Never put me on my knees,
Then am I so sure
It's to God that I speak?
More on Prayer: How We Talk With God & The Prayer of a Coward Going to Church