I Will Love You Anyway by Mick Inkpen. A great rhyming book with illustrations that really capture the attitude of a hyper little dog. The story can also be used as a spring board to talk about how parents love their children or how God loves us, but certainly I don't think it was intended to do this. (Book Rating: 8)
The Empty Pot and
The Greatest Treasure by Demi. I was very impressed with these Chinese parable-like books that teach honesty and contentment and the proper handling of money. The pictures have plenty for children to explore and the morals didn't feel contrived or forced. (Book Rating: 8)
The High Street by Alice Melvin: Another great rhyming book with opening flaps and things for children to find. I like the old-timey illustrations. It's about a girl who's going to various shops to find different things to buy. (Book Rating: 8)
Return by Aaron Becker: I've previously lauded this author and his wordless prequels:
Journey and
Quest .This one is the third in the series starring a child with magic chalk who ventures out of the city through a magical colored door into a fantasy land. This story has a sweet reference to Mary Poppins that I appreciated. (Book Rating: 10)
The Great Sheep Shenanigans by Peter Bently: Philip and I are suckers for rhyming books, especially ones with villains that get their comeuppance. This one has some humor in it that adults can appreciate too. (Book Rating: 7)
Who Done It? and
Who, What, Where? by Olivier Tallec: Very clever mystery-type books for ages 3 and up. Each page asks the reader to solve a problem. Who tipped over the paint? Who got a little too crazy jumping on the bed? Who forgot their jacket? Then the reader must study the possible suspects to find the answers. Simple clear illustrations. (Book Rating: 9)
Uh Oh Octopus by Eli Van Lieshout: This book inadvertently teaches about advice giving and good listening. It can also be about listening to our conscience if you tweak the rather Disney-esque ending. The story is about an octopus that is wondering what to do about an intruder. It seeks the help of various sea creatures who give both absurd and unhelpful answers. (Book rating: 7)
Hogwash by Karma Wilson: Great rhyming book about a farmer who is trying to give his pigs a bath. It's not only fun to read but also a good reminder to stop trying so hard to keep your own little pigs clean. Lee especially likes the tomfoolery in this book. (Book rating: 7)
I Had Trouble ing Getting to Solla Sollew by Dr. Seuss: This book is so fun to read, just rolls off the tongue. Phil liked the last stanza so much that he wrote it on a big stick he keeps next to his bed. (Book rating: 10)
Tiger and Badger by Emily Jenkins: This is a good book to talk about fighting between siblings. Tiger and Badger are arguing every other page, but just like typical preschoolers, they are back to being friends almost immediately. Sweet and whimsical watercolor pictures. The text is simple and not tiresome upon multiple readings. (Book Rating: 8)
Little Rabbit and the Meanest Mother on Earth by Kate Klise and M. Sarah Klise: Naturally, I love a book that defends mothers and the consequences that they give their little rabbits. The plot to this one builds in a clever way. I appreciate the employment of natural consequences. Again, a good book to open conversation about parents and children. Interesting and detailed pictures. (Book Rating: 9)
Mucumber McGee and the Half-Eaten Hot Dog by Patrick Loehr: A fun rhyming story about a boy who believes he's going to die because he ate a raw hot dog. The pictures are rather dark—like the Adams Family. I like the lesson at the end the most. "The next time your stomach is growling and empty, don't dig in the fridge or the cupboards or pantry . . . Don't listen to others like sister or bothers . . . Next time you are hungry go ask your mothers." (Book Rating: 6)
That Cat Can't Stay by Thad Krasnesky: Yes, it rhymes. Phil and I both liked this book even though I like cats and he doesn't. The story features a family that keeps adopting cats much to the father's distress. (Book rating: 7)
I'm always grateful for your book recommendations!
Proving I'm not a robot was problematic my first try today so I backed out. It wanted me to choose all the boxes with bridges and gave an example pic of the Golden Gate. All the potential options were merely overpasses on streets. I must be a robot.