A streak of perfectionism:
An inability decide
For fear of choosing less than the best
And messing things up.
Feeling the weight of responsibility
For an outcome that may be unpleasant
Or undesirable to others
Resulting in criticism and disapproval.
A streak of perfectionism:
Says, "Get this right,
Because so much depends on it.
Your likability depends on it."
But that is not how God measures.
Don't you know? Haven't you heard?
Your choosing and its effects
Have been brought under a new policy.
The power of choice
Abused in the garden
Has been ironed out through
The policy of the cross.
Now no faulty choice or impulsive decision—
Not David's adultery
Or Gideon's fear
Not Paul's approved murders
Or Peter's denial—
Can ruin this masterpiece,
Can derail the plans,
Can sully your reputation,
Can bring down God's disappointment upon you.
Don't you understand?
You can't mess this up.
Though your sins are as scarlet
He has made them as white as snow.
Those results, those people, those words,
There is nothing to which God says,
"Now you've done it!"
Or "That's what you get!"
No. He says, "That too I died for.
That too, I've made right.
You are good.
All your choices are good
Because I have made them right.
You can never mess this up."
So have no fear in the choosing
The way has been made straight.
It is not strewn with trip wire
Of tricks and tests
Of condemnation and blame.
No, it is the way of beauty
And goodness and truth.
So fear no results
Fear no disapproval.
It will be good.
God said so.
You can't mess this up.
Do you believe Him?
Do you trust Him?
An inability decide
For fear of choosing less than the best
And messing things up.
Feeling the weight of responsibility
For an outcome that may be unpleasant
Or undesirable to others
Resulting in criticism and disapproval.
A streak of perfectionism:
Says, "Get this right,
Because so much depends on it.
Your likability depends on it."
But that is not how God measures.
Don't you know? Haven't you heard?
Your choosing and its effects
Have been brought under a new policy.
The power of choice
Abused in the garden
Has been ironed out through
The policy of the cross.
Now no faulty choice or impulsive decision—
Not David's adultery
Or Gideon's fear
Not Paul's approved murders
Or Peter's denial—
Can ruin this masterpiece,
Can derail the plans,
Can sully your reputation,
Can bring down God's disappointment upon you.
Don't you understand?
You can't mess this up.
Though your sins are as scarlet
He has made them as white as snow.
Those results, those people, those words,
There is nothing to which God says,
"Now you've done it!"
Or "That's what you get!"
No. He says, "That too I died for.
That too, I've made right.
You are good.
All your choices are good
Because I have made them right.
You can never mess this up."
So have no fear in the choosing
The way has been made straight.
It is not strewn with trip wire
Of tricks and tests
Of condemnation and blame.
No, it is the way of beauty
And goodness and truth.
So fear no results
Fear no disapproval.
It will be good.
God said so.
You can't mess this up.
Do you believe Him?
Do you trust Him?
Love Laura