Spring Heat

In the cool mornings
The sun lingers behind hills,
Then dawdles up the street trees
Until the noon bake
And the three o'clock burn.
But it doesn't hold.
Evening dispels the heat
For Spring reigns now.
And even Summer's coup
Cannot stop Autumn's coming.

So I do not spurn spring heat.
His power is weak.
His oppression is light
Checked by the merciful nights
Like the chill of an empty tomb.
By that power we are able
To spurn any pain 
For its reign
Does not consume 
In light of the coming moon,
That everlasting relief
To all searing heat and wounding grief.

More on nature and loss: My Son Decapitated My Iris


M. Thompson said…
I have never heard your term “wounding grief” and that struck me at times when I think too hard on my Gary and his Altzhiemers disease. I thank God you are so gifted with your expressions/talents.
jgd said…
WALT WOULD HAVE LOVED VISITING With you and sharing poetry.