Thank God for Endings

Thank God for endings
For candy buckets stored out of sight
And rotten pumpkins buried in the garden
For zombies and witches removed from porches 
For spider webs tossed and 8-foot-tall skeletons
Folded-up and crammed into an attic.
Do the skeletons fold? Do they fit in the attic?
Well, they're gone.
I know not where.

Thank God for endings.
For saying goodbye and going home
At the end of the party or meeting or game.
Thank God for the unconscious sleep 
At the end of the day
That peels me away from words and deeds
I've believed are me but are not.
Are they folded-up? Do they fit in God's memory? 
Well, they're gone.
I know not where.

Thank God
For the end of all temporal things:
Like Halloween
All my sins,
And one day
This earth-worn life.

"For the past troubles will be forgotten
and hidden from my eyes." Isaiah 65:16c
