Just Say Thank You!

The children had a big fight. Names were called. People hit one another. It was ugly. And as part of their consequences, I had them use all the money in their save banks and buy each other a gift. Rose's gift for Lee came quite soon. Lee's gift for Rose came today. 

Lee was so excited to give his gift to Rose, and Rose was excited to receive it. But so much time had passed since the purchasing of this gift and the receiving of it, that the two of them had had too much time to scheme up how the exchange should take place. Lee wanted to open the package first in his bedroom and hand Rose the contents. Rose wanted to open the original Amazon packaging. And this differences of opinions on how the gift should be received sullied the entire exchange. 

Rose asked it to be put in her hand package and all, and she refused to put out her hand or even look at the gift until this was done. Lee, not wanting to wrap it up again, tried to make Rose take the gift without complying to her wishes, which was of course impossible. And I was in the kitchen listening and wanting to bash their heads together!

Accept the gift! Stopping asking it to be presented in just such a way! Hold out your hand! Say thank you! It's for you. Accept both the gift and the way it's being given! Gosh, darn it!

And thus I end my little sermon to myself, and thank God for children and the way my parents raised me and this house and my church.

More on gift giving: Are All Gifts GoodCollecting Coins in my Bank
