COVID-19 has prompted me to ask many if not all of the following questions:
What do I need to survive?
Do I really like where I'm living?
Do I really need all this stuff?
Why am I still keeping this?
Which of my relationships are really important to me?
Do I like who I am living with?
Do I like who I am living with?
Do I really like myself?
Would we be able to manage financially if my husband lost his job?
What would happen if I just tore off my mask and sneezed on the produce at the grocery store?
Am I still okay about my own boundaries when others have different boundaries?
Why was I so busy before all this started?
Why did I get sucked into so many social events that I didn't actually want to go to?
Why did parents invite so many children to their kid's birthday parties?
How would I cope if that person died?
Am I alright with dying at this point in my life?
What would happen to my family if I were to die?
What would I like said about me at my funeral?
If I knew I was going to die, should I write my children letters to open when they're teenagers?
What do I think about the suffering and injustice in the world?
Who do I believe online?
Who has the right to speak authoritatively about Covid-19?
How informed do I really need to be about what's in the news?
Do I know any Chinese people?
What do the black people I know think about all this?
What would people think I believed if they judged me solely on my facebook posts?
What would happen if I just hugged that person?
Can I get arrested for getting a hair cut?
If I sneeze into an envelope and mail it, could someone get my germs?
Was that an angry-eye look or smiling-eye look?
Is that someone I know? I can't tell.
How obedient to the government and local governors am I really going to be?
What do I do when a friend is angry with me or with a group I associate with?
How desperately do I need chocolate right now?
Have others discovered a newfound taste for wine too?
What else is there to do beside watch TV?
Do I really care that much about keeping my utility bills low?
How much abuse will this house take before it collapses? And will we die if we're still in it?
Why shouldn't I let my kids climb on the roof?
If I get sick, will I get to be by myself for 14 blessed days?
Is the virus doing more good than bad in the hearts of people?
Did God intend this virus? Did he want it to happen?
What is God doing through all this?
How are other people answering these questions?