A Safe Place to Make Mistakes

It's okay to make mistakes.
I don't expect perfection here.
After all, you're a child,
New to this body,
To this position,
To your growing freedoms.
It's okay to make mistakes.
This is a safe place.

So stop fretting.
I don't keep track
Of the times you take
To learn these lessons.
Take seven.
Take seventy-seven times.
My patience won't expire.

And if you can't believe it,
Look around you because
You're in good company—
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers,
Grandparents, aunts, and uncles—
Surrounding you with examples
Of action without strife,
Movement without fretting,
Thought without neurosis,
Healing without excuses.

Do you see them in history?
Do you recognize them?
Learn to ride on their coattails,
Live through their hope,
Mimic their faith.
They can even teach you to
Stop worrying about your worrying.

It's okay.
This is a safe place
To be a sinner.
No scolding.
No nagging.
No condemnation.
No shame.
Your mistakes no longer decide
How I see you.
My son's blood does,
And it is precious.

So grow
In this body,
In this new position before me,
In your new freedom.
And though you feel like an actor on stage
With an audience critiquing your every move,
No one but me has the authority
To decide if your performance pleased me
And your mistakes redeemable.
And I already have said, 
I have.

That is why this is a safe place.

More on the security of being in the Body of Christ: I'm Here. You're Safe.The Archaic Trust
