One: the Reformer
What I don't like about the Enneagram is that it's not specific enough to each person, and it's way more complicated than it needs to be. I mean there's wings and social types. Then some people call the arrows by one name and some people call them by another name. Just keep it simple, people. I also don't like that it doesn't really give me a clear explanation of what I should do. It tells me my problem, but there's not a clear solution on what I need to do.
Two: the Helper
Oh, I like the Enneagram. You're doing such a good job writing blogs about it. When I heard each number, I could think of someone right away. So now I know how to better help them. In fact, might I make a little suggestion: what about publishing comments all in one blog? Then you could see what other people are feeling. What about my issues, you ask? Oh, I'm a pretty healthy two. My issues aren't anywhere near as bad as the other numbers'. They could sure use a leg-up.
Three: the Achiever
Oooo! I like this Enneagram thing! Who wouldn't love hearing about themselves! When do we get to mingle and share with others about our numbers? There are so many people I want to talk to about this and hear what they think. I hardly know who to talk to first. Oh, and if you need a spokesperson for the 3's, I'll happily do it, and represent us with finesse and excellence.
Four: the Individualist
"Sigh" Yet another typology that tells me all the terrible things I do. How depressing. I already knew all this about myself and yet, I'm not like all those other fours. They all have it easier than me. In fact, all the other numbers have it so much easier than me. They just don't understand all I've gone through or am feeling.
Five: the Observer
I don't believe I've been presented with enough data to make a decision one way or the other about the Enneagram. Like, how does the social aspects affect the arrows of stress or security? When exactly did this theory come about? And if someone has a strong wing, does that mean they can take on that wings' stress and security arrows? I'm going to need to study this more before I see its proper use or application.
Six: the Loyalist
I don't know if I trust this Enneagram thing. I'll have to ask my pastor first what he thinks of it, and my dad and probably my really good friend Bill, and if they all trust it, then I'll trust it too. I'll trust it forever. Of course, I'll research and look into it on my own too, but I don't really trust my own judgement on something like this.
Seven: the Enthusiast
Well, the Enneagram isn't very fun. It's all rather technical and difficult and just a teensy bit boring. But if studying the Enneagram means I get to be with lots of people I like, then great! Let's study this Enneagram. I'll coordinate drinks and cookies and maybe a game we can play before we get into it. But I don't think I'm really interested in analyzing myself. Just the idea makes me yawn.
Eight: the Challenger
Call me a Challenger, a Leader, or an eight, I don't care. You can call me whatever you like. All this doesn't change the fact that after this lesson, I'm still going to do my own thing and if you don't like it, well, you don't have to come.
Nine: the Peacemaker
I guess if everyone else wants to study this Enneagram thing, then I'll study it too. Either way. I'm game, just so long as I don't have to answer difficult questions about myself because I never know the answer to those.
More on Why Enneagram Numbers: Won't Give, Show They Care, Might Evangelize, Didn't Listen to You, Hurry, Quarantine, Handle Icky Feelings, Won't Say These Things, Ask for Help, & The Gospel for Each Number