Encouragement to Share Our Testimonies

One: the Reformer

The unredeemed Reformer wants to make things perfect through their own strength, so that no one can interfere with their autonomy through criticism or judgements. Thus, they might think:

"I don't want to share my testimony. People will probably hear what I've done in the past and think, 'Ugh, why'd she do it that way, she should've done it another way.'"

But the redeemed Reformer knows that through Christ's work on the cross, God is sanctifying them in his timing through his refining processes. Thus, the Reformer can accept both their own mistakes and others' criticism; they know God has already judged them as good, so they can be content being a life-long learner.

Two: the Helper

The unredeemed Helper doesn't want to appear needy in front of others for fear of incurring other's pity or patronizing help. Their self-image depends on being above the desperation and helplessness of others. Thus, they might think:

"I don't want to share my testimony unless I know it won't make others feel bad. And I don't want people's pity or help or advice either. I want them to understand me. Plus, I don't want to look like a whining pathetic thing."

But the redeemed Helper trusts that God sees and loves them in their helplessness. They know that in God's presence, their desires are validated and met. Thus, the Helper can be vulnerable before others without fearing others reactions; they know the Lord still loves them. 

Three: the Achiever

The Unredeemed Achiever wants to be perceived as excellent in the eyes of others. They image-manage by doing whatever they think will earn them an untarnished reputation. Thus, they might think:

"I don't want to share my testimony. Just think of how unpolished it would sound to others. I don't want people to think of me like that."  

But the redeemed Achiever knows that God already sees and accepts them as excellent because of the way Christ lived excellently on earth. Therefore, the Achiever can share the truth about themselves with others knowing that it's God who gets all the glory through their weaknesses.

Four: the Individualist

The Unredeemed individualist is in a constant state of grieving over the person they wish they could be; however, they haven't given up longing for someone to find deep meaning within them. Thus, they might think:

"I won't share my testimony unless someone pursues me and asks me specifically multiple times. And even then, I don't know. I want my testimony to be unique and meaningful to others."

But the redeemed Individualist knows that God sees the depth and beauty in their past and in all their emotions. They are settled in the knowledge that God pursues them and finds them desirable. Therefore, the Individualist can offer their testimony without being begged to do it, and without wishing their story was different.

Five: the Observer

The Unredeemed Observer wants to have an understanding about all factors involved before committing to any sort of action. Thus, they might think:

"I can't share my testimony until I know what sort of testimony they mean. How long should it be? Will anyone else be sharing? And I need more time to analyze my life and decide what's sharable."

But the redeemed Observer believes that the Lord can guide them in every step regardless of how much information they have. They trust that the Lord will keep them securely moving towards growth and godliness even through their uncertainties, Thus, they can share their testimony freely and with passion. 

Six: the Loyalist

The unredeemed Loyalist doesn't want to jeopardize their relational strongholds or put themselves in a position where they aren't ready for what might happen next. Thus, they might think: 

"I can't share my testimony. That's really private, and what if people think my testimony is odd and then they don't want to be my friend anymore? What if someone is rude or interrupts me?"

But the redeemed Loyalist knows that their security lies in the Lord who plans good things for his children. They believe God will be faithful to take care of them. Thus, they can share their testimony knowing they can never lose their secure place in God's elite family. 

Seven: the Enthusiast

The unredeemed Enthusiast wants to keep skipping across the activities of life to avoid sorrow or boredom. Thus, they might think:

"Sure! I'll share my testimony! I'll share about all the things that God has done. But I won't share about the sad or difficult things because no one wants to hear about any of that. It's too hard."

But the redeemed Enthusiast has witnessed God's comfort and stability in the tears and uneventful moments of life. Therefore, they are not afraid to re-enter into the difficult or sad parts of their past and testify to how God used those hard times to grow long-suffering and endurance. 

Eight: the Challenger

The unredeemed Challenger wants to maintain their walls of strength they've built to protect themselves from being vulnerable or betrayed. Thus, they might think:

"I'm not going to share my testimony and appear weak and deficient in front of others. However, if sharing how my choices have brought about big change, I might share to motivate people to do something."

But the redeemed Challenger knows that their strength and power comes from the Lord. They know that the Lord will honor and respect their vulnerabilities, and they trust that the Lord is in control of changing or moving others. So they can let down their guard in humility without aggression.  

Nine: the Peacemaker

The unredeemed Peacemaker has repressed all their desires and passions to stay uninvolved and in a state of phony peace. Thus, they might think:

"I just don't think people care that much about me and my testimony. Why would they want to hear about me? Besides, I can't think of anything to share."

But the redeemed Peacemaker knows that God wants them involved even in the awkward or uncomfortable things. The Peacemaker knows that real peace and comfort are found when they join the Lord in what he is doing. So the Peacemaker shares their testimony to testify to what God has done in even them.

More on why the Enneagram numbers: Might EvangelizeDidn't Listen to YouHurryQuarantineWon't Ask For HelpWon't Say ThisHandle Icky FeelingsLove Like ThisThe Gospel for Every Enneagram
